COVID-19 Response

To our wonderful patients,

At this time of uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 we want to let you know we remain open. We know there is great concern about COVID-19. We are stringently adhering to CDC and Public Health recommendations and taking extensive precautions to ensure we provide a safe healthcare environment while also taking care of our team.

Patient appointments are spaced further apart for prompt rooming of patients to reduce lobby time and increase social distancing, intensive sanitizing of each room after every client, frequent wipe-downs of commonly handled surfaces throughout the facility – door handles, counters, chairs, electronic devices, etc.

We are screening all patients calling/arriving for appointments. If they have recently: been unwell, traveled or been around others that are unwell, we will reschedule rather than have them come in. We have asked the same of our staff, as well to be hyper-vigilant about hand-washing and use of hand sanitizer.

Healthcare is an essential function, if you need us, we are here for you.

Thank you,
Dr. Evans