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What Are The Anti-Aging Benefits Of IPL?

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If you’re like most people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, you have probably begun to notice the first signs of facial aging. Fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and other imperfections on the face can understandably make men and women feel less confident about their appearance, leading many people to search for solutions and remedies. While over-the-counter topical agents may help mask some of these issues, treating and correcting them is usually only possible with professional intervention. Cosmetic dermatology offers a wide variety of treatments and techniques for addressing signs of facial aging and helping you to get the skin you’ve always dreamed of.

The exceptional team of dermatologists, physician assistants, and technicians at Pacific Skin and Cosmetic Dermatology Corte Madera is dedicated to helping men and women look and feel better about their skin through the use of the most innovative treatments and products on the market today. The IPL photofacial is one of the most exciting and in-demand procedures, thanks to its ability to address and correct a long list of concerns. Some of the most common flaws and imperfections that can be treated with an IPL photofacial include:

  • Dark spots
  • Sun damage
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Mild acne scars
  • Fine lines
  • Freckles
  • Visible pores
  • Spider veins

Addressing these concerns can help improve a patient’s skin, enhance their look, and turn back the clock, making it easy to see why IPL is such a highly sought-after cosmetic treatment.

How does an IPL photofacial work?

At each of your IPL photofacial sessions, your skilled and experienced technician will begin by ensuring that your face is washed and dried. He or she will then apply optical shields or provide you with special glasses to protect your eyes. The treatment itself is performed using the Lumenis M22 laser, which is passed over the skin. Each session lasts about 30 minutes and there is typically little to no downtime following the treatment.

Does IPL hurt?

An IPL photofacial is typically well tolerated by most patients, with many people likening the laser sensation to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin. However, the discomfort is relatively mild and subsides quickly. For patients who may be concerned about the pain associated with an IPL photofacial, the caring team at Pacific Skin and Cosmetic Dermatology Corte Madera can apply a topical numbing cream to help make the treatment more comfortable.

Will my face peel after an IPL photofacial?

Most men and women who are familiar with facial laser treatments wonder whether or not IPL will cause the skin to peel as many other facials do. The immediate recovery period after an IPL photofacial is fairly easy, with some mild redness and swelling usually being the only side effects. Over-the-counter medications and cool compresses can help with these symptoms. It is crucial that patients wear sunscreen and avoid sun exposure as much as possible after an IPL treatment in order to ensure the best possible results and prevent skin damage. After about 2-5 days, it is normal for IPL patients to experience flaking of the skin, as the underlying irregularities begin to rise to the surface. It is important to allow your skin to heal on its own and to not pick at your face during this stage. In the next week or so, you can expect a new and improved complexion to begin revealing itself.

How many IPL sessions do I need?

As with many other cosmetic dermatology treatments, the key to achieving your ideal results from an IPL photofacial is consistency. Most patients need 3-6 IPL sessions spaced out every four weeks to produce the most dramatic and satisfactory results. During your initial consultation at Pacific Skin and Cosmetic Dermatology Corte Madera, one our knowledgeable IPL experts will help put together an IPL schedule and treatment plan that best fits your needs.

Can I combine other treatments with my IPL photofacial?

Absolutely! One of the best things about cosmetic dermatology is that multiple treatments can be performed during a single appointment to rejuvenate a patient’s skin and enhance their results. During your consultation at Pacific Skin and Cosmetic Dermatology Corte Madera, our exceptional team of consultants, technicians, and dermatology professionals will work with you to identify your main concerns, establish your goals, and create a custom menu of treatments designed just for you.

If you are interested in learning more about how an IPL photofacial can address many frustrating signs of aging and correct other skin concerns, call Pacific Skin and Cosmetic Dermatology Corte Madera to schedule a consultation today. We can’t wait to help you put your best face forward!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.