Pre/Post Care Instructions for Sclerotherapy
Pre-Treatment instructions for your legs prior to treatment for veins:
- No aspirin or blood-thinning products (fish oil, vitamin E, ibuprofen, non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs) for 7-9 days before the procedure (check with your physician first if you must be on these medications).
- Bring heavy, thigh-high support hose to wear when you leave the office and seven days after treatment (support hose can be generic or the nursing-type; pharmacy type is not required).
- Note: We can also prescribe compression stockings upon request, though we do not require that you use them.
- Expect possible bruising for approximately one week after the procedure.
- Mild muscle cramping is not uncommon. Tylenol can be taken if necessary.
- Try to avoid drinking alcohol or smoking 2 days prior and 2 days after the procedure.
- If you have any further questions, please ask the doctor prior to the procedure.
Care instructions for your legs after treatment for veins:
- Leave thigh-highs or compression stockings on 24 hours a day for 1 week after treatment. They can be worn in the shower, using the hair dryer on the cool setting to dry them. Wear them during the day as much as possible for the second week following sclerotherapy to help improve blood flow in the legs and to keep the treated vessels flattened.
- After the first week, stockings can be removed at night or any time that the legs can be elevated. Wearing the compression stockings will help you to achieve the best possible result. They should continue to be worn as part of your regular routine and may prevent the appearance of new veins especially if you sit or stand for more than 6 hours a day, are pregnant, or have a strong family history of varicose veins.
- Take a 30-60 minute walk shortly after the treatment, and walk 20-30 minutes a day for 2 weeks, but avoid strenuous exercise for 1-2 days. Do not perform aerobic exercise such as jog or ride a bicycle for a week.
- Avoid hot baths or Jacuzzis for a few days following procedure to avoid dilating veins.
- It is normal and expected to have some redness and swelling (with the appearance of “hives”) around the treated veins that may last 1-2 days. This may be associated with some itching and burning and may improve with over-the–counter Benadryl 25mg or a non-sedating antihistamine such as Claritin 10mg.
- Bruising around the treated area is also normal and should resolve within 1 week.
- Veins often temporarily become discolored as they heal. This means they may appear purple, darker red, or brown. Sun or tanning bed exposure worsen discolorations and may cause them to last longer or become permanent. Avoid sun exposure completely until the treated areas return to your normal appearing skin.
- Some people develop a firm lump in a vein that may appear purple through the skin, usually 2 weeks after treatment. This is a non-dangerous, superficial accumulation of trapped blood that can easily be treated in the office. Please make an appointment for it to be evaluated.
- Painful areas, expanding redness/ swelling, blistering, or leg swelling should be immediately reported to your doctor.
- It may take up to 6 weeks for treated veins to improve. The appearance immediately after treatment can often look worse than prior to treatment.
- Avoid blood thinners (aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E, ibuprofen, etc.) for 3-4 days following procedure (ask your doctor first if these are prescribed by your doctor)
Call the office if you have questions or concerns.
San Francisco
2100 Webster Street #305
San Francisco, CA 94118
Ph:(415) 202-1540
Fax: (415) 202-1543
Tracy Evans, MD
Clarence Chu, PA-C
Krystal Shin, PA-C
Molly Matice, PA-C
Corte Madera
770 Tamalpais Drive #403
Corte madera, CA 94925
Ph:(415) 924-2055
Fax: (415) 924-2066